Why is English Important by our sixth graders

Why is English Important

These are some opinions of children in our classes. They have written  a short paragraph explaining why it's important.

I think it is important to learn, to find work, to communicate with other people. With English knowledge, you can travel and it helps you to have fun and also help your studies.J.C.C.G

It think English is important because you can understand other people. You can learn another language. You can have fun with video games. You can use English for work or for travel. When you travel, you can communicate with other people.I like English because you can have fun with this language. I'm going to Madrigal Academy to learn this language. M.L.

I think English is very important to communicate. I love learning this language because I have fun. I know many words in English and understand these words. I work very hard to learn English. I'm travelling to Dublin to study English. When I'm older I want to be an English teacher.

I think it is important to learn English to study, travel, know new places, work, understand, communicate and have fun learning English. If you don't understand the video games, you can't play. If you don't understand the letter to the songs, you don't know what the song is about. If you don't learn English, you don't understand the exercise. When you know English, you can work in a different country. You can travel and help people in a different country. CSG

I think English is important to study, for work, and to understand it. You can learn English to communicate with other people and to travel around. RA

Because you can communicate with other people. You can think in English, you can work in other countries, you can study and have fun with your friends. And travel to different places. DMG

I think English is important because you have fun. You learn a new language and study in another country. You understand the people of the world. You can work and communicate with Hazel. Everyone can travel to different countries. When you do the Trinity Exam you know English. When I was eight, I began in the Madrigal's academy where we have fun. SLT
